Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Did you know that Global Youth Network East Africa is sending out their first Peace Ambassador team this month? This is exciting news! 10 young people (5 girls and 5 guys) will be traveling to Soroti Uganda to work with Global’s partner there for 5 days. This is a test run for future teams. They will be working with Steven Orem at YWAM Soroti where our Alberta teams have been traveling for the past 6 years. They are also developing contacts for the future in Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania. The focus of the team is peace and reconciliation. In the Soroti area there are a number of refugee camps from the conflict in North Uganda and also from other conflicts in the region. So the team will have lots of work. The team was able to raise the $2000 they needed to cover their expenses, thats $2000 for the whole team, visa’s, transportation, food and lodging.

As Global we really want to sustain this program. At this time the best way we can support Global in east Africa is through training their staff. Rose and Enock have both submitted their applications for visa’s to come to Canada. Our hope is to get them here by orientation April 29-May 1 of this year. So not a lot of time to get things together. Our goal while they are here is that they could travel with Global’s Canada team to BC to see how a team is run. After that we are wanting then to spend time with Gilad and Dawna learning all the details of running and organization like Global. They will also spend some time with Dave working in Tsartlip First Nations community having Globals philosophy rub off on them.

Taking on the responsibility of training also means we need to take on the responsibility of the cost of training. Global is needing to raise $5000 for airfare and in country expenses for Enock and Rose. We want to put this need out to you as the Global community to give you an opportunity for you to respond. 

If you would like to help sustain and develop Global in East Africa you can send a cheque to;
PO Box 72515
152 Carlton St.
Toronto On.
M5A 2K1
Donate on line by following the instructions on the Global web sight through Canada Helps.

This is an exciting time for Global as we expand our work with our partner organizations. If you have any other ideas or input please feel free to call me, 778 238-7026.

Thanks for taking the time to read through this

Dave Skene
Senior Consultant & Director of Indigenous Programs

Saturday, April 2, 2011


There is a federal election coming up in May and we need to make sure that students get out and vote! Global team members will be on planes heading around the world on election day, but we can still make make our votes count!

You can vote in advance polls on Friday, April 22, Saturday, April 23 and Monday, April 25

How? At your advance polling place, from noon to 8:00 p.m. local time.

The address of your advance polling place will be available after April 8 on, on your personalized voter information card mailed to all registered electors, or by calling Elections Canada at 1-800-463-6868. If you are not yet registered to vote, you may register now or you may register at the polling place on election day. To register and vote, you must prove your identity and address.